Teach To Learn

"Teach to Learn" is a practical approach where individuals teach others what they have learned. This approach has five benefits, including:

Deepening of subject knowledge

Deepening of subject knowledge

Teaching a subject to others helps individuals to understand it better and retain it for longer.

Development of communication skills

Development of communication skills

When teaching, individuals need to explain complex ideas in simple terms, thus improving their communication skills.

Confidence building

Confidence building

Confidence grows when individuals are able to successfully explain something to others in front of an audience.



The conversion of subject knowledge into business applications.

Learning from feedback

Learning from feedback

When teaching, individuals receive feedback from their students, which can help identify areas for improvement and further learning.

Learning from feedback

Interview Ready

Facing questions on a regular basis and taking classes gives the student the confidence to be Interview ready.

In summary, "Teach to Learn" is a powerful approach that not only helps individuals understand a subject better but also develops important life skills.

With the new year and a fresh batch, Dr. Pradeep Sen has brought in his experience to create a model where the freshers lose their stage fear and take the first step at teaching. In the last two months, KIET has empowered more than 250 students and will be under Mr. Sen's guidance.